Comet EnFlow

Comet software products offer many key advantages over competing solutions. With features developed with NASA's support, Comet EnFlow TM offers advanced capabilities that make it the most comprehensive, full spectrum acoustic analysis software available based on a single model of a problem.

Virtual Acoustic Simulation

Comet EnFlow TM is an advanced analysis software for full frequency spectrum simulation of dynamic systems. It uses finite element method to predict vibroacoustic responses by solving wave-based equations at low frequencies and and energy flow equations at high frequencies. It is the only commercially available stand-alone software that uses finite element models for the solution of dynamic systems at both low and high frequencies.

By giving you a beter understanding of the noise your products will make, Comet helps you refine your design - before investing in costly physical prototypes. EnFlow offers many key advantages over competing solutions.




Ease of Modeling
Full frequency virtual acoustic simulation of dynamic systems using the same modeling framework. Prediction of low and high frequency vibroacoustic response using the same finite element model, although use of ‘fine’ finite element model is not necessary for high frequency analysis.

Optimal Design of Structural Components and Noise Control Treatments
Systematic analysis and design improvement of acoustic products at early states of product development without the need to rely on costly physical prototypes. Overall approach to sound management by considering sound propagation, radiation and transmission in a variety of media including fluid, solids and noise control treatments.

Intuitive modeling that requires less user expertise and experience
Finite element models for modeling dynamic systems are easily derived from models that are typically used for many other engineering analyses.

Key Features

Comprehensive Analysis Capabilities
Frequency response that spans full frequency spectrum. Interior and exterior modeling. Two-dimensional, three-dimensional, axi-symmetric and generalized axi-symmetric domains at low frequencies.

Coupling of Media
Modeling of fluid, solid and noise control domains. Nodal and elemental coupling of domains at low frequencies. Automated generation of joints, including joints at noise control treatment at high frequencies.

Extensive Element Libraries
Acoustic element, structural elements (rods, beams, isotropic and orthotropic plates, honecomb) and noise control treatments (elastic foam, rigid foam, limp foam, fibrous foam, perforated panels).

Enhanced Capabilities
Mixed pressure-displacement formulation to reduce problem size at low frequencies. Modeling of leakage, conservative and non-conservative joints, local damping and direct field excitations, and user-defined elements and joints at high frequencies.