Comet AutoFoam

Comet software products offer many key advantages over competing solutions. Comet has the capabilities to solve complex noise problems effectively. The development of Comet AutoFoam TM was partially spported by NASA Langley Research Center.

Material and Acoustic Characterization

Comet AutoFoam TM is a software for acoustic and material characterization of noise control treatments consisting of structural, acoustic (air) and poroelastic layers. It aslo estimates the poroelastic, macroscopic material properties of various noise control treatments from measured sound transmission loss, absorption coefficient and a combination of those measured performance metrics. Additionally, the importance of the material properties on the performance can be determined using the contribution analysis feature of the software.

AutoFoam offers many key advantages over competing solutions. It conceptually allows a user to predict random incidence performance of single and multi-layer noise control treatments from normal incidence sound transmission loss and/or absorption data, measured using readily available impedance tubes, thereby eliminating the need to have extensive testing equipment and facilities.




Efficient Solutions for planar noise control treatments
Based on analytical solutions that do not require tedious modeling of the layers. It only requires the layer type, layer configuration, material properties and thickness of each layer as input for performance evaluation.

Multiple Solutions Methods
Multiple solution options, including transfer matrix method for bonded and unbonded multi-layer treatments and four-pole method for exact representation of unbonded layers are available. The effect of finite size is also considered in the prediction.

Extensive Analysis Capabilities
Predicts acoustical performance such as sound transmission loss and absorptions coefficient. Estimates macroscopic material propeties of a wide variety of material combinations.

Broad material library
Models a wide variety of materials such as elastic foam, rigid foam, limp foam, fibrous foam, impervious screen, resistive screen, elastic solid, elastic, panel, and perorated screen.

Key Features

Acoustic Characterization
Predicts normal and random incidence acoustic characteristics of planar, single and multilayer noise control treatments.

Material Characterization
Estimates macroscopic material properties of a wide variety of single and multi-layer noise control treatments using measured absorption and/or transmission loss data.
An advanced feature uses the exact representation of impedance tube for enhanced estimation of mechanical properties of poroelastic materials.

Contribution analysis
Computes relative importance of material properties on the acoustical performance through a scaling process.