Failure Initiation Predictors for Reliability-Based Design of Hybrid Composite Materials

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

The University of Michigan
This project is concerned with the development of a novel failure initiation and progressive failure analysis (PFA) modeling method for advanced composite structures, utilizing a fundamental physics based multiscale mechanics model. First, experimental works have been performed at the University of Michigan to understand the failure initiation and the interaction of various failure mechanisms for composite laminate structures under compression. Based on the experimental observation, micromechanics model has been developed to predict the nonlinear lamina level deformation and failure response. Concurrently, PFA methodology combining physics-based failure prediction models and the discrete cohesive zone method (DCZM) has been developed for modeling laminated composite to account for all possible failure mechanisms and their interactions. In addition, probabilistic analysis capability has been implemented into the PFA methodology to account for material variability and manufacturing inconsistencies.