Founder and CTO, Comet Technology Corporation
Dr. Ravi (S. T.) Raveendra is the Founder and CTO of Comet Technology Corporation (CTC), which he founded and managed since its inception in 2003 (excpt between 2017 and 2021). Ravi's prior industrial experience includes being Director of Software Development and Consulting at the Automated Analysis Corporation and Global Director of CAE/Acoustics at Collins and Aikman Corporation. He led the scientific activities of ESI US R&D in North America as the Scientific Director from 2017 to 2021, following ESI's acquisition of partial IP of CTC.
Ravi received his bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering from the University of London, UK and the University of Wales, UK, respectively. After completing his PhD in Computational Engineering Mechanics at the University of Buffalo (UB), New York, he joined Southwest Research Institute as a Research Engineer, followed by a stint at UB as a Research Assistant Professor. Ravi is the author/co-author of more than 100 refereed technical publications and has taught as an adjunct faculy at the University of Michigan, Wayne State University and the University of Buffalo.